Thursday, September 26, 2019

Freedom in Human Life Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 8

Freedom in Human Life - Essay Example Human life is characterized by the pursuit of freedom. Children want to have freedom from school so that they can play all day. Teenagers want to be free from their parents. Adults want financial freedom so that they can be free from want so that they can pursue their passions.  In order to have freedom, people must respect others rights to have freedom. As people pursue freedom, it is necessary to take the rights of other people into consideration. In addition, changes in our lives have significant effects on our ability to enjoy our freedom. For example, adults find themselves with new restrictions that they did not have in their youth. They have to work to pay their bills and have to consider their children making decisions.  Different cultures have their own unique approaches to freedom. The West believes that the individual should have the freedom to think, express their thoughts and do what they want as long as it does not undermine the rights of others. Most Muslim countri es place significant limitations on the freedoms of their citizens. Furthermore, the culture of a society affects the ability to exercise freedom. For example, although people are free to love whoever they want in most cultures the relationship between members of the same gender is frowned upon. As a result, some societies are more preferable than others. The beauty of the American Dream is borne out of the belief that people are free to pursue their desires.  Marketers have redefined the concept of freedom. They have made people believe that freedom means the power to buy things or to have a certain lifestyle. This has led to the rise of consumerism, a culture that values the acquisition of things. This culture has led to the loss of freedom because people are held captive by what the advertisers and corporations want the society to value. People presently focus on the pursuit of financial freedom. This is the ability to do what someone wants without having to worry about money. However, this state is difficult to attain and most people do not ach ieve the state.

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